Join the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance

If you are serious about selling baby carriers, this article is a good place to get you started. (and this quick look at regulations)

Yes, you must purchase the ASTM guidelines for what you are wanting to make. (excerpt from above article)

"soft infant carrier: carriers whose primary use position is upright, specifically soft packs, mei tais, hip carriers infant sling carrier: carriers in which baby can recline, specifically pouches, ring slings, wraps, hybrids frame child carriers: carriers with a stiff frame"

As of 2017, the ASTM guideline for Soft Infant Carriers (F2236) will be in effect and enforceable as required regulation under the CPSC.

RE: Durable infant and Toddler Products:

RE: Soft Infant and Toddler Carriers:

Final Rule:

RE: Final rule for structured frame carriers:

RE: Product Labeling:


You are not required to become a member of either the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (BCIA) or the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), but both are incredibly helpful.


By joining the BCIA, you will receive up-to-date information regarding all things baby carriers. You will receive peer support as well. In addition, you will be eligible for many discounts and programs including a registration program, places to find liability insurance, and testing discounts.


By joining the ASTM, you will not only receive a discount for their publications, but you will also be able to "serve" on their numerous boards to help achieve the best practices for your industry(ies).

In addition, when consumers see your memberships to these associations, they see that you are serious about what you do, your products, and your consumers. 

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